XXXVI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium
of the International Union of Radio Science
August 15-22, 2026, Kraków, POLAND
ICE - International Congress Centre, Kraków
Call for Papers
The URSI GASS 2026 is the main event of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), and will be held in Kraków, Poland on August 15 – 22, 2026.
The scientific program will have a series of open and convened sessions covering the areas of URSI Commissions A to K, comprising oral/poster sessions with invited and contributed papers and General Lectures. In addition, there will be workshops, short courses, young scientist programs including the Young Scientist Award and the Student Paper Competition, an accompanying persons’ program, and an exhibition.
Prospective participants are invited to submit papers for inclusion in the scientific program. Detailed information will be posted on the URSI GASS 2026 website. Any topics related to URSI Commissions are welcome. In addition, papers addressing multidisciplinary aspects will be assigned to inter-Commission joint sessions.
The conference will be held as an in-person conference with only on-site presentations.
Paper Submission
All papers should be submitted electronically via the link provided on the URSI GASS 2026 website, where the latest information on the submission procedures, templates, and sample formats will be posted. Accepted papers presented at URSI GASS 2026 may be submitted for publication in IEEE Xplore, if the author wishes.
Important Dates:
Paper submission site opened: November 10, 2025
Paper submission deadline: January 25, 2026
Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2026
URSI Commissions
Commission A: Electromagnetic Metrology
Commission B: Fields and Waves
Commission C: Radiocommunication and Signal Processing Systems
Commission D: Electronics and Photonics
Commission E: Electromagnetic Environment and Interference |
Commission F: Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing
Commission G: Ionospheric Radio and Propagation
Commission H: Waves in Plasmas
Commission J: Radio Astronomy
Commission K: Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine |
Young Scientist Award and Student Paper Competition
For the details on applications for the Young Scientist Award (YSA) and the Student Paper Competition (SPC), please visit the GASS 2026 website.
Ari Sihvola, URSI President, Aalto University, Finland
Peter Van Daele, URSI Secretary-General, Ghent University, Belgium
GASS 2026 General Chair
Józef Modelski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
GASS 2026 Scientific Program Committee
Co-Chairs: |
John Volakis, Florida International University, USA
Andrzej Krankowski, University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland |
URSI Commissions A-K: Chairs, Vice-Chairs, ECRs
GASS 2026 Local Organizing Committee
Chair: |
Józef Modelski, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland |
Co-Chairs: |
Artur Rydosz, AGH University of Kraków, Kraków, Poland
Andrzej Witczak – Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland,
Sławomir Ambroziak – Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdańsk, Poland
Sławomir Hausman - Łódź University of Technology, Łódź, Poland
Iwona Stanisławska, Space Research Center, Warsaw, Poland |
Secretary |
Grzegorz Bogdan, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland |
PCO - Symposium Cracovience
For any inquiries, please contact: