Young Scientist Award

GASS 2026  Young Scientist Award,
August 15 - 22, 2026 Kraków, Poland

Apply for the URSI Young Scientists Program

to learn more about the URSI Young Scientists Program, please click here

Rules and Guidelines

A limited number of awards are available to assist young scientists from both developed and developing countries to attend the GASS 2026.
To qualify for an award the applicant:
  1. must be less than 35 years old on September 1 of 2026; 
  2. should have a paper, of which he or she is the principal author, submitted and accepted for oral or poster presentation at a regular session of GASS 2026.
Applicants should also be interested in promoting contacts between developed and developing countries.
Applicants from all over the world are welcome, also from regions that do not (yet) belong to URSI. All successful applicants are expected to participate fully in the scientific activities of GASS 2026. They will receive free registration, and financial support for board and lodging at GASS 2026. Limited funds will also be available as a contribution to the travel costs of young scientists from developing countries.
All Young Scientist applicants must submit a Summary Paper (2 to 4 pages) meeting the requirements of the Summary Paper Template, together with a CV and a list of publications in PDF format. The Summary Papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore unless the author opts out. If the applicant is awarded with a Young Scientist Award, the submitted Summary Paper will be published as part of the proceedings of the URSI Flagship meeting and as part of the awarded applications.
The application needs to be done electronically by going to the same website used for the submission of abstracts/papers. After entering the submission details, authors will be asked if they want to apply for the Young Scientist Award. Please check the box ‘yes’ and complete the additional questions.
Submissions must use the following file naming convention, where “Lastnameauthor” text is replaced by the student’s surname and “Firstnameauthor” text is replaced by the student’s first name:
  • YSASummaryLastnameauthorFirstnameauthor.pdf
  • YSACVLastnameauthorFirstnameauthor.pdf
  • YSAPubListLastnameauthorFirstnameauthor.pdf
Applications will be assessed by the URSI Young Scientist Committee taking account, amongst other factors, the technical evaluation of the abstract by the relevant URSI Commission. Awards will be announced on 15 May 2026 on the URSI Web site.


Polish National Committee of URSI

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